Ok, so you chose to start a new WordPress project (or someone chose for you)? Well good news, it’s 2019, it doesn’t have to suck from the start anymore;
In this article, I’m not going to explain everything in details, that would require me to write a book about it. I will just point out directions: what you can do better than the broken official way of doing that was legitimate 10 years ago. It’s designed for everyone, web developers, backend developers, front-end developers…
I promise you that there is no more than 3 minutes of reading per chapter.
In the company I work for, we have 150+ WordPress sites. I made the decision for the new ones to adopt everything I wrote in this article, and slowly migrate the legacy ones. Already ~10% of them are using this architecture at the time I was writing this article.
Note: I’m accepting pull requests to fix english mistakes if you catch them.
Use Bedrock Edition
It’s THE starting point of this article. Bedrock is a WordPress boilerplate created by Roots. It leverages the use of modern development tools and embrace the 12 Factor app methodology. Some of the things WordPress can’t/won’t do because of their dinosaur 🦖 status in the PHP world.
The main advantages of this boilerplate are:
Support of environment variables
If you worked with modern software applications, you’re familiar with the concept of having your application configuration stored as environment variables.
The benefit of having environment variables is for you to have multiple environments such as production
, staging
and development
where you can for example only enable sending emails on production
, without the need of constantly changing values depending on which environment you are.
In 2019, every major frameworks has a concept of environnement variables in the PHP world: Symfony, Laravel, Yii. It’s a common practice that exists since decades on Windows and Unix world.
Environment variables can be stored as a file, for development
and injected in your web server for staging
and production
environments. Don’t freak out, a lot of decent hosting companies provide an UI to manipulate environment variables. For example, look at what Heroku does for environment variables.
Environment variables look a lot like this:
Better directory structure
Everything is organized better and as a result, it’s easier to find what you were looking for. The structure look likes:
├── composer.json
├── .env <----------------- where majority of the configuration will happen, must not be committed inside git repository
├── config
│ ├── application.php
│ └── environments
│ ├── development.php
│ ├── staging.php
│ └── production.php
├── vendor <-------------- where the 3rd party code lives
└── web
├── app
│ ├── mu-plugins
│ ├── plugins
│ ├── themes
│ └── uploads
├── wp-config.php <-- do not touch this file
├── index.php <------ entry point of your application, each web request are send through this file
└── wp <------------- WordPress files
Bonus point to security since the web root (entry point of your application) web/index.php
is isolated from the rest of the structure. It means that your visitor can’t access your config/production.php
file since it’s outside web/
Reproducible builds
The concept of reproducible builds can sum up as: no matter when or where i’m going to build and deploy the application, I will always have the same version of the code (and plugins).
Since you’re going to be working on you local environment (if it’s not already the case 👀), you need to guarantee that what you have on your computer will be exactly the same that what you’ll have on your production. Let me take an example on why this is important.
Let’s say you’ve been running a website in production for like a year until there’s a nasty hardware crash on you server. Now all your files are lost. Luckily for you you did things right and had your uploads/
directory and database backup somewhere in the cloud.
The next step will be to re-install WordPress using the database and media backup. Then re-install the 20 plugins you had on that website. In one year, plugins evolve (and it’s good), but your theme, or some of your features might not be compatible with WooCommerce v3.5
. It might result of a broken website.
Another example is when you’re working as a team on a project, without reproducible builds you will end up with the frontend person working with WordPress 5.1.1 while the developer still has version 4.9.10 and won’t be able to reproduce the bug you have with that setup.
Because of this concept, you’ll need to forbid any type of plugins/themes installation or updating from the WordPress backend. By default Bedrock will take care of this when you are in the production
environment. Since WordPress is also a composer dependency, updating it is as simple as composer update roots/wordpress
But how to guarantee reproducible builds? Well the answer is just below: use Composer.
Use Composer
Bedrock boilerplate allows you to manage dependencies of your project using Composer like any modern and decent PHP project should do (WordPress, I’m looking at you right now).
Do you want to install WooCommerce
? Go inside your terminal and type:
composer require woocommerce/woocommerce
It’ll fetch the latest version and freeze the version you got on your composer.lock
. This file is what is used to always get the same version of everything no matter where you download your project dependencies, or where you do it when you run composer install
. Because of the importance of this file, it has to be committed ⚠️.
A good article can be found on how to use composer with WordPress on roots.io website.
All the plugins are also installable via composer; How? 3 scenarios are possible:
The plugin provides a composer.json
The developer or company behind the plugin is not locked in a WordPress thing of the past syndrome and has developed modern applications. This would mean that their plugin also ships a composer.json file that allows installation through composer. With this scenario you can search for your plugin inside packagist.org which is a repository containing all the public PHP packages in the universe ✨.
The plugin does not provide a composer.json
If you don’t see the plugin on packagist.org, then the plugin does not have a composer.json
Don’t worry, wpackagist comes to the rescue. Outlandish created this project to offer a way to install 100% of the plugins and themes using the main WordPress repository. So, this particular WordPress plugin cannot be found on packagist.org, so let’s use wpackagist instead:
composer require wpackagist-plugin/cookie-law-info
The plugin is a paid/private one and does not have a composer.json
You’ll have multiple options from there:
- Open a ticket to their support or on their Github and ask to provide a way to install their plugin via composer. You are their customer, you are paying for a product that you can’t install in a proper way. They should care.
- 👎 Bad players are ACF Pro, Elementor Pro, Formidable Forms
- 👍 Good player is Deliciours brains (Migrate DB Pro, Offload Media…).
Use alternative solutions when available.
- Create a new private Github repository (it’s free), copy/paste the code there and add a composer.json like in this example, tag a new release using Github releases, and then require this package using a custom repository. All the procedure is listed in detail on roots.io website. I’d advise, if you have the budget for, to use Private Packagist to host your private packages.
Use a better templating system than PHP: “I’m yelling timber”!
What about the templating system? PHP is not a good templating system. Hard to read, hard to write, and let’s not fool ourselves, we’re no longer in the early 2010, we have tools created especially for each use case. The best PHP templating system is Twig. It is widely used in the Symfony ecosystem (but not only).
So how can we use Twig inside a WordPress project? Luckily for us, there’s a project called Timber.
Plugin to write WordPress themes with object-oriented code and the Twig Template Engine
It adds a View / Controller model that will have a huge benefit on the readability and the maintenance of your theme.
Once you start writing your themes using Twig, you won’t go back to plain PHP. Period.
Pro tip: Since you’re not designing your themes with plain PHP anymore but with Twig, the server needs to transform your .twig
files into .php
files. This phase is called compilation. It adds extra time to do that. Luckily there’s a cache system that stores the compiled templates on your file system so Twig doesn’t recompile your twig templates on each request that your server needs to process.
By default, Timber does not activate that cache.
Here’s how to activate it safely. You’ll save up to 40% of generation time by doing so. Inside your theme’s functions.php
// Activate Twig caching
if (class_exists('Timber') && WP_ENV === 'production') {
Timber::$cache = true;
// Replace WP_ENV === 'production' by!WP_DEBUG if you are NOT in a Bedrock structure
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Note that it caches the the compiled php template and not the data. Any edits made to the .twig
templates on the production won’t be reflected unless you clear the cache. (Who edits files on production though? 😱 Certainly not you!)
Prefer storing your assets on the cloud
Storing your assets on the local filesystem under uploads/
directory is nice, but at some point, you’ll have to synchronize this folder through all your environments, otherwise your local version will a complete different set of medias than the production and vice-versa.
Remember when we talked about reproducable builds? Wouldn’t it be nice if we can store our media remotely so we don’t use local filesystem? Spoiler alert, yes, it’s nice.
The one other major advantage of this technique is allow your website to scale to receive a huge spike of traffic load. All you have to do is to add more servers (horizontal scaling), since you have a reproducible build, the project and plugins will be the same on server number 1, 2, … 23, 24.
Services you can use to store your media on the cloud :
- Amazon S3. The most famous, yet, not the cheapest one 💸.
- Digital Ocean Spaces. S3-compatible, 45 locations available.
- Scaleway. Cheap storage, S3-compatible but only 2 locations available (Paris and Amsterdam).
✅ Remember to always use a bucket location near where the majority of your audience live. I would advise you to choose a “S3 compliant API” since there’s not much WordPress plugin that allow you to use a remote storage that work in majority of use-case.
Here’s a list of free plugins that allow you to store your media on different cloud storage:
- MediaCloud (free)
- humanmade/s3-uploads (free)
My wish for WordPress is for them to use an filesystem abstraction such as Flysystem. This way, we no longer have to rely on plugins to hack into WordPress to tell it to upload medias and assets elsewhere. Until this happens, you can use one of the plugins above.
Know tools you’re working with: ACF can hurt your website performance
If you’re a user of Advanced Custom Field, known as ACF, then you must know some of the performance bottleneck you might have if you’re abusing the get_field
You must only expose the variables you need per page. I’ve seen a lot of example, even in the documentation, where you are invited to do:
$context['options'] = get_fields('options'); // retrieve all options fields from the database
Timber::render('index.twig', $context); // render the index.twig page with the options passed to the twig context so you can use them inside your view.
When you do that, it will trigger one database call per field you’re getting. So let’s say you have 35 fields under the option category, it’ll trigger 35 database call just to get those fields, but, do you really need those 35 fields on all pages?
What to do instead?
$context['options']['twitter_link'] = get_fields('twitter_link', 'options');
$context['options']['logo_footer_img'] = get_fields('logo_img', 'options');
Timber::render('index.twig', $context);
{# use them inside your .twig template; #}
<a href='{{ options.twitter_link }}'>Follow us</a>
<img src='{{ options.logo_footer_img }}' />
In real world project, doing this kind of optimization leads to important performance improvements.
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Explicit is better than implicit. It helps your colleague to provide a more accurate code review of your work. That work is harder when you don’t know what your template has access to.
And what about videos and images fields? If you are using them, you should know that if you retrieve them “as is” using the get_field('my_youtube_video')
, the code will try to fetch the metadata (size, orientation, length…) of the videos and images.
What’s the matter here? Well, since you’re hosting your medias on the cloud (or a remote service, eg: YouTube in this example), the video and images has to be downloaded on the server side to allow retrieve this information you won’t need in 98% of the cases. In this situation doing external HTTP calls from your server to the internet adds precious extra time and kills your site’s performance.
I’ve seen project spending almost 1 second doing external calls, preventing the server to send HTML to the browser by fetching just 10 images information from the cloud.
In those cases you need to use get_field('my_youtube_video', null, false)
. The last option (false
), tells to retrieve the field (in this case, the YouTube url of the video, without any formatting or additionnal treatment). One other case is to set the configuration of the field as a “URL” field, (and not oEmbed), and for images, “Image URL”
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Lint your code
Is your theme shipping CSS, Javascript and some PHP? You should lint them, make sure you write code compliant with industry standard. Use:
- ESlint - Javascript
- stylelint - CSS
- Prettier - Javascript, CSS…
- PHP-CS-Fixer - PHP (Example of our .php_cs_dist file that contains linting rules)
Use whatever building tool/task runner you feel comfortable with (Gulp, Brunch). If you don’t have picked up a tool yet, and you need a simple one, I’d suggest you take a look at yProx-CLI that we’ve been using at Yproximite for some times and just released as an open source project.
For your own sanity, please don’t open code you’re downloading from the plugins you use. You might be shocked by the poor code quality you’re dealing with and might end up re-writing a whole lot of WordPress plugins.
Use a continuous integration (CI) service
Use a CI (Travis, Gitlab, CircleCI, Jenkins).
Here’s our base .travis.yml
file that ensure our composer.json
is valid, that our PHP Code is linted and same goes for our JavaScript files; No pull requests should be merged if you have linting errors that will never be fixed once they hit the production. This will allow your peer to review your code and focus on important things.
dist: trusty
language: php
- '7.3'
yarn: true
- ./vendor
- ./node_modules
- ~/.composer/cache/files
- |
if [ -f "package.json" ]; then
set -e # properly fails Travis if one of the following commands fails
nvm install v10
nvm use 10
node --version
npm --version
npm install --global yarn
set +e # re-enable previous behaviour
- composer validate
- composer install
- vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix -v --dry-run --using-cache=no
- if [ -f "package.json" ]; then yarn install; fi;
- if [ -f "package.json" ]; then yarn lint; fi;
- if [ -f "package.json" ]; then yarn build; fi;
Setup an automated dependency updates tool
Since we have 150 WordPress projects in our organization, running composer update
on all of them once per week is not something we want to do, we had to figure how to handle the updates.
We were using ManageWP to update WordPress and all of their dependencies, but this option is now off the table since it breaks the concept of reproducible builds. Nothing should alter/mutate your environment. The code should be exactly the same like in your git repository.
One viable option for us was to delegate the updating process to Dependabot which job is to open a pull request when updates are available. Alternatives exists, for example, Renovate.
We configured it to automatically merge the pull requests if the package update is a major or a minor (v1.0.0 -> v1.1.4
will be merged automatically, but v1.0.0 -> v2.0.0
⚠️ The WordPress ecosystem does not necessarily respect the SemVer, because… (I’m still looking for a reason…).
Since we choose a “Platform as a Service” (PaaS) to host all of our WordPress, as soon as a pull request gets merged on master branch, the project gets re-deployed on the production.
No matter which hosting you chose, you should have automatic deployment, otherwise, the project will be up-to-date but will never hit the production if you need to re-deploy each project if you have a huge amount of them.
Choose the right hosting
I would strongly advise to go for a PaaS. The main advantages of a Platform as a Service (PaaS) are:
- No maintenance needed for the server or the software
- Automated deployments
- Vertical, horizontal scaling ready
- Cheap
- Easy
- Isolated (no cross contamination from one site A to site B when hosted on the same server)
Some examples of PaaS are:
- 🌍 Heroku (from 14$/month)
- 🇫🇷 Scalingo (from 10,80€/month)
- 🇫🇷 Clever Cloud (from 26,50€/month)
⛔️ Don’t ever use a FTP or a SFTP to deploy to the production. Since you need to build your project by running composer install
and maybe build assets by running yarn build
, the long dead process of copy/paste the project on your FTP are definitely and finally dead ⛔️
What you should already be doing
Here’s a list of things you should already be doing, so they don’t deserve a chapter on their own:
- Work with a Virtual Machine, that will allow everyone to have the same environment. You can use trellis or manala if you’re more technical
- Use the latest version of PHP available
- Work with pull request
- Review, and ask reviews on your code by your peers
- Configure Github to disallow pull request merging if your pull request doesn’t have reviews.
Note for WordPress plugins developers
In order to make the WordPress ecosystem a better place please, you have to respect at least 5 things:
⚠️ Don’t assume that your plugin user will stores their uploaded files on the local file system. Assume they don’t. Abstract your file manipulation by using for instance Flysystem.
The main reason behind this reasoning is:
- When hosting your application on the cloud, you might want to be able to scale your application by adding new servers.
- When you host your WordPress on an immutable infrastructure, which basically means
- Either you’re not able to write to the server, preventing any modifications
- Either the modifications your made are lost when the project gets redeployed. (A deploy happens each time you merge code on your code repository or when you scale (add or remove servers) on your application. Only what is on your git repository gets deployed on the server.
⚙ Provide a way to configure your plugin through environment variables, and use a fallback using the database if the environment variable is not found. Environment variables > Configuration stored inside the DB in terms of importance; This allow us to automate plugins installation and put all the configuration in one place.
🎻 Make your plugin installable with composer, it requires a composer.json
file with 10 lines of code at the minimum. Just watch some examples here, here or here. The next step is to tag your releases using Github Releases respecting SemVer and submit your package to packagist.org by entering the Github URL of your repository.
🔒 Support maintained version of PHP
💅🏽 Lint your PHP code using PHP-CS-Fixer FFS! Choose between PSR2 or Symfony preset, but use one and fix your code.
If you want to look at a project structure implementing the majority of the point made in this article, you can take a look at my WordPress boilerplate example based on Bedrock and Timber. This repository should not be used “as is”, but it’ll help you understand how to structure your project files.
Le benchmark PaaS de Clever Cloud vs Scalingo vs Hidora -
How Serverless Saved Us For $2.